Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Crafting With Twin Toddlers (And Day 9 Update)

It is no secret that I am a crafting mama. Sewing, crochet/knitting, refashioning, DIY jewelry, baking, you name it; I love it. (I hope you didn’t name scrapbooking. I am actually afraid to even start scrapbooking, because of my craft supply hoarding issues and all…)

After showing off my latest creations one question usually comes up, “How do you find the time with twins.”

So I have been pondering an answer to this question. I have found a few helpful ideas. I hope you will find one that works for you. Here goes;

My boys take a nap. A long nap. Fortunately for us, they also sleep through the night (most of the time). Most stay at home moms would be cleaning, relaxing, preparing dinner, or even napping themselves.

I do a little cleaning and food prep during naptime. Lately I have found that I can do a decent amount of cleaning while they are awake, with their ‘help’. Whatever housework is left I try to do after dad is home from work, or it simply goes unfinished (this is the reason I am participating in the 30 Day House Cleaning Challenge).

When I have time, I fill my freezer to make meal prep easier. This can also be done while the boys are playing, or after dad is home.

The majority of naptime is reserved for ‘Mama’s Creative Time.” I have found what crafting I feel comfortable to do while they are up and around, and what craft tasks need to be done during naptime. If my projects involve the sewing machine, or ironing board they are done while they sleep.

My Project Basket

All other projects are placed in a basket. Hand sewing, crochet projects, gluing, seam ripping, and cutting all go into this basket. I pull the basket out while the boys are playing and work on these projects. By utilizing this method I am able to finish more throughout the day.

*Extra tip: I also have a to-go bag of projects, like a crochet project. I keep this handy in my purse. This project is pulled out while riding in the vehicle, watching games, or waiting for appointments. (I even pulled it out once while waiting for a train!)

How do you ‘get your craft on’ with toddlers? If you are past the toddler stage, share your expertise, I am always looking for ideas.

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge, Day 9:

Today’s task is to surface clean a bedroom. Our spare bedroom closet has become the dumping place. We tend to shove everything that we don’t want to deal with on cleaning day in this closet to “deal with later.”

Spare Bedroom Closet Before

Not pictured is the hiding space in the back. This secret space is about the size of a dresser (and full to the brim!). This really isn’t a true before either. I had weeded out two huge boxes two weeks ago.

Cannot believe I am posting this for the world, how embarrassing!

I pulled EVERYTHING out, dusted, and vacuumed. Then I ruthlessly weeded through things. If it was a keeper I put it where it belonged. If I felt we didn’t need it, out it went!

Spare Bedroom Closet After

So much better! Bonus, this project only took about an hour. (Sorry for the crappy pictures- it is really hard to take pictures of a closet.)

Don’t forget the pile of stuff leaving our home:

Another Pile of Clutter, Gone

Are you cleaning along? Do you have a space like this closet, where everything is thrown right before company arrives?


  1. Ahh, doesn't it feel good to get rid of a pile of clutter?? I think that's the best part of this challenge - it forces me to get rid of stuff!

    Mine was magazine clutter today - yikes! That stuff piles up quick!

    Great idea about a craft basket at home -- I have done the craft to-go bag, but never thought of putting stuff together for nap time fun :) Thanks for the tip!

    1. I think the getting rid of things is my favorite part of this challenge! I love being forced to look at everything with a critical eye, and being able to toss things I have been overlooking for so long.

  2. Oh no, a broken arm!
    Honestly, I always thought the ability to be mom, AND still get everything done came with motherhood. Boy was I wrong! I am still a HUGE work in progress. (I usually only post my finish projects, not that huge pile of started/not finished.) ;)
