Thursday, April 4, 2013

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge, Day 3 and 4

The challenge for day 3 was to surface clean a bedroom. Let me tell you, ours was in desperate need.

Before and After:

30 Day Challenge, The Bedroom

Yesterday I had quite the struggle. It seemed like I was taking one step forward and two back. Our bedroom wasn’t completely finished until this morning. It’s done though, to me that is all that matters.

I also managed to tidy the living room, and clean the kitchen (dishes included!) before bed. A glass of wine and watching some Duck Dynasty with the hubby sounded like a better idea, but I bucked up and got it done. This morning I was so glad I did. It always feel nice to wake up to a clean slate.

Today’s challenge is to surface clean other rooms (laundry room, office, etc.). I decided the office area needed my love. Actually I was so tired of trying to catch stuff as it avalanched from the Mountain Toddler Twin Cannot Reach Area. (This is a real place, we actually have a geographical range of these mountains in our home!) Winking smile

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge, Day 4

We are so bad about putting things away around here. Everything seems to move higher and higher (due to growing toddlers), but never goes to its rightful home.

My boys have taken a liking to the printer; pushing buttons and tearing out paper. Each time I need to print I have to refigure the settings. The was moved up top. Papers were filed and the desk received its much needed dusting.

I hate this piano. It came with the house, nobody plays or expresses an interest in playing. Do you know how hard it is to get rid of a piano? Enough rambling…This is also a high spot were things get shoved out of the boys’ reach. Again, I put everything away and dusted.

30 Day House Cleaning Challenge, Leaving the House

Leaving our house. The bag contains some of my clothes, and outgrown/stained clothing of the boys. The stack of magazines are hard to let go. These are old knitting magazines. I tried to get rid of them last month, but just wasted time fantasizing about projects. The reality is that it will be a long time before I get around to knitting anything. I already have my crafting time full of sewing and crochet projects. Out they go (actually they are going in the garage sale, hopefully someone else will find happiness among the glossy pages).

Are you cleaning along?

If so, how’s it going- I would love to hear your secrets, or struggles.


  1. Love your progress! And with an almost toddler we are starting to form those mountains of baby can't reach items (only to find she can reach some). Motherhood is a funny thing!

    -Rachel from Creatively Redeeming Her

    1. Tell me about it, I just caught my boys pushing the box of diapers I had just brought home to the counter. One was pulling things off of the counter and handing it to the other, who was then stashing the items around the house for future play. Oy!

  2. Ah! I can totally relate! I did put off the dishes last night and just went to bed with my toddler. :) I will give myself the excuse that I'm pregnant though1 ;)
    Your bedroom and office look GREAT though! And yes to the garage sale things...after cleaning out my bedroom I found a ton of things to sell! :) Can't wait to see the challenge today!

    1. I lucky to have an extra room in the basement. I stash our unwanted stuff in there until garage sale time.
      Don't fret too much, your energy is needed to incubate! Keep up with the challenge.

  3. Great job! Love all the space on your desk and piano!


    1. Thank you, I'm loving it too! (Here's to hoping it stays that way.)

  4. Inspired by you. Must get started on mine. Right now.

  5. Just got wind of this challenge and I need it!!!! My little one has impulse issues and eveything goes on the floor so it is frustrating when he is home from school. i did manage to declutter this weekend. Thanks for the motivation!

    1. No problem! I am glad that I can encourage someone, I've been a little self-conscious of posting my home's shortcomings for fear of looking lazy and sloppy. Stop over at Money Saving Mom for the challenge, there is even a link to a printable.
