1. Laundry- Everything is washed and dried. Everything except one basket is folded. The folded clothes are still sitting in baskets. Oops.
4. Potato Bread- Made the bread. Machine is still on the counter.
6. Fill Diaper Box- Started, kinda. I found a couple of books to get rid of.
Today's list:
1. Laundry- put those darn clothes away. (Usually they sit folded in the basket until the next Monday when I need the baskets, that's when they get moved to the tops of dressers, eventually getting put inside the dresser or worn. I want to break this habit.)
2. Fill diaper box with things to rid the house of.
3. Clear dining room table.
How did I let this happen?
4. Clear bar and counters (this means putting away the bread machine).
There is that blasted bread machine...and the crock pot from last night's dinner, and my cup from this morning's coffee.
5. Clear breakfast table.
Now this one is not too bad. Keeping it cleared is not quite a habit yet, but getting there.
6. Go to post office and bank.And just for fun- work on crocheted dishcloth, and make goodies (yet to be determined).
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